My late Grandmother made this turkey many, many years ago. I believe it is canvas and needlepoint. We weren't able to eat him though. Ha-Ha-Ha!!! Hardy-har-har!
Cranberries...unfortunately I don't eat them. I'm strictly a meat-n-potato girl. But they looked real pretty.
Called Yams of Fire ~ this is a family signature dish. It has been on the table as long as memory serves. If you want the recipe I can arrange it for you. :-)

Delicious stuffing. All my life I've claimed not to like stuffing and I have always believed that I did not like it. Maybe at some point I didn't like it. Anyway, I didn't help myself to stuffing Thanksgiving Day. However, the day after I ate some more Thanksgiving food for lunch at Mom's I decided to try stuffing and would you believe I LOVED IT!!! Ha-ha

After dinner, clean up and dessert, I decided to look through Mom's heavenly stash of cross stitch galore! The Crafty Lady is a design my late Grandmother cross stitched and my Mom was blessed to have it after she passed. The verse is perfect for any stitcher. Crafty Lady is on the wall when you enter into my Mom's office/stitching den. (Click on the picture to enlarge so you can read the verse. It's excellent!)

Okay, Mom might kill me just a bit for posting this picture of her room. It looks messier than it really is and she is still organizing it since the renovation to this room. That stuff in the black leather chair is mine. I always bring a butt-load of stuff with me, but some of that is Cameron's, I'll have you know. The baskets are all cross stitch. This isn't all though. Out of view is more. I believe she may even have some things down in the finished basement. She's been stitching pretty much all her life and she's been collecting for at least 30 years (is that right Mom?). Anyway, this is my favorite room in the house. Most people gather in the kitchen, but we gather here (me and Mom anyway).
That is it! I'm done sharing Thanksgiving and ready to move onto Old Mother Winter and Christmas which is right around the bend. I do hope your Thanksgiving was a memorable and delicious one. I'm still eating the desserts. Yum!
Must go now. I have some stitching to tend to ~ I can hear my linen and needle calling me. Have a wonderful weekend!
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