Here was our view this morning. Snow rarely happens this early in Nashville. I was shocked! School was called off as well so I have both boys today. Tonight me, the parents and kids are going to Goten, a Japanese restaurant, to celebrate my mother's birthday and my own. We've all been fighting some sort of battle this week and it's been difficult to arrange a meeting. My DH won't be joining us because he's too ill, but I'm going to bring home salmon and sushi for him for whenever he can get some food down. Mom and me still have to exchange birthday gifts. I can't wait to give her my gift! I'm so excited about it. I can't wait to have sushi too! Yum Yum!!!

We had the same here this morning in Vancouver Canada. Didn't last long, it's raining now. Enjoy your dinner and Happy Birthday to you and your Mom.
Thanks for leaving a comment, Irene. I so love getting responses to my posts. Mom will see this so thanks for wishing her a Happy Birthday too! She will appreciate it.
Mom, Irene from Canada says Happy Birthday to You!!! :o)
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