I hope everyone had a peaceful Christmas Day with family and friends! I've read several blogs and notice that everyone DID have a wonderful day and that makes me feel so happy. I know I had choice words about my reluctance towards this year's Christmas, but I am happy to post that my Christmas turned out better than I had anticipated ~ and I can't complain. I had a nice day, tiring, but really nice. I didn't feel rushed which is how I normally feel.
The broom and the Elmo-talking chair were Cameron's favorite so far.

Jose's favorites were his rifle and pistol (both BB guns) and a DVD player for his room.
The kids played around with their new toys and I cleaned everything up (what else is new?). DH and Jose went outside to test out the BB guns, and they had lots of fun shooting at targets in the backyard. We got ready and headed over to Grandpa's house for brunch. Brunch was delicious!!!

We had pumpernickel toast and Lox. Yum~Yum! It was gooooood! Grandpa can cook.

Look at Cameron's smirk...he kept messing with the fireplace screen and it kept falling on him.

We had a nice visit with Grandpa. Jose got a gift certificate, which he loves getting, and Cameron got some much needed outfits. DH and I got some kitchen aids, which we needed as well. After spending time with Grandpa and eating brunch we drove over to Nana and Papa's for round 3. It's always a big ole' time at Nana and Papa's house. They make everything "fun" for everyone and yet again, they've spoiled all of us rotten.

Jose played "Santa" this year ~ he loves it too! Cameron was a wee bit shy of Jose's new face. :o)

Cameron received the new talking, moving, and interactive Elmo which is so realistic even Daddy loved getting hugs from Elmo. LOL

...and he WILL!!!!
I got some cool stuff too! Are you sitting down??? I got 18 different cross stitch charts, walnut crystals, 3 calendars, 2 craft-type books, and the best is the clock my mother gave to me.

After presents we giggled and ate. We had lasagna and it was go-od!!! I took this picture of Cameron while I was standing back observing his actions. He caught me catching him. I was catching him in the act of his usual "cliff hanging" (climbing a BIG problem for us) and here is the face that he gave me.
Lil' Devil, ugh?...and this is what he was up to. Mind you, there is a table in front of him and he's standing on a foot stool that he pushed over to the edge (he also stole his brother's cookie too and was munching on that). His intentions were NOT to look this cute after all...they were to............

We finished the evening off with some pecan pie. Hey, who ate that one little piece before I could take this picture??? Daaaad!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I've enjoyed sharing our Christmas with all of you! Bring on the New Year!!!
Great pictures and memories shared of your Christmas! Nice stash too :) I love pecan pie - yummmm!
ps - that clock is awesome!!!
Thank you for sharing your Christmas with us, everything is truly beautiful!
Looks and sounds like a wonderful Christmas Julie! I love your clock, and wow, what nice new stash!
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