all my kids were causing me stress and having fun while doing so. Nah!!! I'm just kidding...well sort of (hee-hee). I wanted to share my day with whomever is left STILL blogging so close to Christmas Day.

In the morning I baked banana bread...and it was really really yummy. DH was jealous bc I started baking and making before he scooted off to work. He actually thought me and the boys were going to eat this whole thing. Now mind you, that is a possibility, but we wouldn't do that to dear ole' Daddy. Unfortunately, I'm not Better Crocker so this was from the home of Pillsbury. But we still enjoyed it!
I stitched Jose and Cameron's first initials on their stockings. Turned out kinda primitive and cute. Hard to see the letters in the picture, but they are quite visible in-person. Cameron's is red against the black of Frosty's hat and Jose's is green against the red rim.

The boys playing under the table. Our chairs have to be put down because Cameron climbs in them and won't leave them alone...EVER! So the boys thought it would be cool to play "fort" and then Jose thought it was cool to tickle the spit and snot out of Cameron (literally)...which Cameron had no problem doing.
Jose and Mama enjoyed some stitchin' time together today. We sat on my bed, watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (real Christmasy ugh?), giggled and stitched while Cameron took a nap. He stitched on his Soggy Froggy by Janlynn and I my Primitive Deer by The Prairie Schooler.
I took a photo of my Grandma's Santa head. I have two of these Santa door knob covers. My Grandmother was always crocheting and knitting; always crafting something. She made several of these and I was blessed with owning two.
I found another angel to adorn my tree. So precious indeed!

Cameron still doesn't know what to think of Christmas, Santa or this tree. But what I do know is that he's out to destroy it. Every chance he gets, he shakes the table so ALL the ornaments will make some noise and sometimes fall...and boy do they ever.
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