I did not take pictures of Cameron getting his shots. He had 2 shots in each leg. He needed his flu shot too. I felt so bad as any mother would. I hate these times. He was so upset and almost offended that the nurse would do such a thing. He gives you this look and then I feel responsible for his pain. Once we got into the car he calmed down. He fell asleep instantly ~ we didn't even make it out of the parking lot and he was out like a light. He was so exhausted that he remained sleeping while I got him out of the car, past the dogs, into the house and laid him on the floor in the living room. The only reason I put him here was that when he's upset like he was it's best to keep him real close because Mr. Cameron isn't a happy camper, if you know what I mean. Here he is all tuckered out from his shots.
And he did wake up with his feelings hurt so Mama made him some of his favorite things: ham, cheese, rice and apple juice (no different than a hot pocket). I never do this, but I pushed his highchair into the living room so he could eat his lunch watching Elmo. Boy, did I make this child's dream come true. No more tears for Cameron for the afternoon. He was so happy and forgot all about those stinkin' shots.
SECOND; I have taught myself to embroider. If my Grandmother were here today she'd be so proud of me. Her mouth would be opened, in a deer caught in head lights sort of way, and she would say, "she can sew!" I borrowed the Reader's Digest Complete Book of Embroidery from my Mom about a week ago. My objective is to know how to doodle stitch. I thought I would start out simple and work my way up. I've started with a stamp pattern. It's of a colonial girl. I'm using weaver's cloth. I choose a beige weaver's cloth and DMC #221. I intend on coffee staining afterwards and probably just framing the piece unless I come up with some other alternative.
I taught myself the stem stitch, herringbone stitch, colonial knot, buttonhole stitch and half stitch. I know these stitches already, but I've never done them in a sewing motion; only a stick-stab on linen and Aida, never weaver's cloth. The only thing I used the weaver's cloth for is needle punch. I am really excited about this! I love learning new things and when it's self-taught I'm even more enthused. I decided to use a stamp pattern as a guide and once that's accomplished and I learn my own technique of sewing, I will eliminate the stamping and will stitch free-hand embroidery. I have chosen to stick with primitive embroidery and I really only want to do stem and back stitching to keep with the primitive style. I hope to one day embroider little aprons on prim/grungy dolls and cloth fabrics with primitive motifs. I just can't wait until my horizons have broadened. Here is my doodling cloth from today and my stamped colonial girl. I'm starting on her tonight.

That is one cutie patootie you have there! And, you are such a good mother to give him his favorites after a long, hard day.
Isn't embroidery fun? I can't wait to see your colonial girl all stitched and finished. I'm sure it will be beautiful.
Ah, thanks! I just simply remembered what my mother had done for me in order to make my tears go away ~ she gave me what I wanted. LOL
Embroidery is fun! I used to watch my Grandma sew all the time. My Mom never got into it as an adult, although she did embroider as a young child. I'm with you...I can't wait to see it either. I can't wait to stain the tarnation out of it with coffee or tea!
First of all, your blog looks great!
Second, your little boy is a sweetie!
And third, congratulations on teaching yourself to embroider! It's rewarding to teach yourself a new craft. Especially one that is associated with our past (like grandparents). That is why I taught myself to quilt so this wonderful craft would not die out in our family when my grandma passed away!
I would love to learn to make primitive muslin dolls!
Julie, Cameron is a sweetheart. What a good mom you are.
Those days at the DR take years off my life, I'm sure of it.
I love embroidery! Have fun - it goes soooooooo fast and is highly addictive. There are several links online that have free patterns that you can download and transfer to muslin with transfer pencil which are fun too.
He is a cutie... a little spoiling is good at these times! ;)
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