I received that beautiful appliquéd quilt from my Aunt Pam. Thank you, everyone, for the thoughtful comments on my aunt’s quilt. I so appreciate them and I know she does as well.
I threaded the bobbin on my sewing machine. I made quite the mess with that. I don’t use my sewing machine as much as some and I needed a refresher course so I turned to my handy Viking sewing machine instruction manual for assistance – it worked! Now I’m all ready to go.
In the evening, I worked on primitivebettys Hallow’s Eve design. All I have left before finishing it is whip stitch the back to the front. I stitched this right around Halloween, but never got around to finish-finishing it (if that makes sense). Finally, I started piecing together the three different swatches of fabric. I’m still not sure what it’ll become. I know it isn’t getting framed. So far, I spent 2 hours working on it and I had lots of fun, and had lots of needle pokes too. Ouch! I also noticed that I have a stitching mistake, but it’s too late to repair – those pesky frogs aren’t going to bother me with this one. I’ve learned to just accept such mistakes.
At night, I stitched on Be Still by The Sampler Girl. I watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I had not seen it before. Really really good! Those kids are maturing and growing up fast, aren’t they? The character of Ron is simply adorable. He’s my favorite…"bloody hell!" - LOL
Here’s a photo of Cameron right before we left for his Nana’s house. He is pretending to be daddy. He had the laptop, daddy’s cell phone, a calculator (daddy doesn’t use that) and the remote control for our DVD player. Mr. Cameron thought he was pretty cool.

Friday’s stitching was on Hallow’s Eve Pillow by Stacy Nash. This is more than half way stitched so hopefully I’ll get it stitched up by next Friday. Here’s to hoping!!! Here's the progress on this one.

Today is Saturday which means my biggest rotation project of all; Ages of Man by Long Dog Sampler. Here (scroll down quite a bit to see photo of LDS) is where I am currently with this design.
DH and I are going out for Valentine’s Day this evening. Mom is watching the boys and we’re going to eat a sushi bar for dinner. It’ll be nice being alone together.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
1 comment:
Beautiful progress on the WIPs! The boys are too adorable. Those scissors are hilarious!! Perfect addition to the craft area! :)
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