Cameron had his surgery today and the tubes are in his ears. He was an exemplar patient. We are so fortunate to have a baby that just goes with the flow. Naturally he is always bashful, but he's up for anything most of the time. We had to be at the surgery center by 7:15 a.m. this morning so luckily Cameron isn't ready to eat that early anyway. He didn't fuss once about not having any food or drink this morning.
When we were called back the anesthesiologist came to talk with us, as they always do. In the meantime, he got on the floor and starting rolling a ball back and forth with Cameron, which made him smile. The ball lit up every time it bounced and Cameron was intrigued as any 17 month old child would be. Once Cameron was relaxed with him, the doctor picked him up and off they went down the hall without us. It was amazing. No crying!!! That was at 7:45.
By 8:05, the procedure was complete and Cameron's doctor came to talk with us. No problems. The right ear is more infected and "full," but the tubes should help. We went back to get Cameron and he was really fussy. In fact, he was difficult to hold onto because he was so agitated from the anesthesia. He wasn't crying, but whining something terrible ~ eyes glossed over; the whole 9 yards. Cameron did really well though. He drank from his sippy cup immediately which is always a good thing and once we said lets go get into the car he shut up and got his jacket on. LOL By 8:30 we were in the car and on our way to get his ear drop medication filled. Now we're home (ahhh!)
He isn't much for eating right now, but he wanted a bottle of milk and we obliged. He can have whatever he wants at this point. He was such a trooper. I think he acted better than most adults, don't you think? :o) He's watching Teletubbies, but as I look into the living room he's fallen asleep. sleeping!

What a dollbaby - so cute. Glad it went ok for him.
Best wishes for Cameron's speedy recovery. What a brave boy!!
So glad all went well with you Cameron. Hoping he has a speedy recovery.
He looks so content, glad to hear it went well.
Everyone - thank you for your comments. I really appreciate that you took time out from your stitching and lives to read and comment about Cameron. It means a lot.
Already this morning he's being his wild and crazy self. :p Can you believe it...he's letting me put ear drops into his ear? I mean, he has to have 4-5 drops per ear. Unbelievable!
What a cutie...Glad he did so well.
Take care and thank you for the comment left at my blog. I appreciate it greatly.
Awww, what a brave little trooper! I'm so glad that everything went well for Cameron and hope that he has a speedy recovery.
Upon blog surfing this morning, I read about Cameron's ear tubes. I have 2 sons who went through that procedure when they were young (they are now 13 & 10). After dealing with ear infections continuously, the procedure was done and we didn't have any more ear infections. I wish Cameron and you the same outcome.
Best wishes.
Lisa in CA
What a beautiful blog you have! I am so excited that I came across it tonight and had to become one of your followers. :) It is just darling and I love all of the pictures that you have. Your projects are just primfect! You are a very talented lady. I would like to extend a warm welcome to you to come by and visit my new prim blog at Farm Wife Primitives. It was just created last week and am looking forward to sharing ideas, pictures and projects with other prim lovers out there in blogland. :) It would be my honor to have you as one of my followers if you so choose.
Praises for your son's success with the surgery. I am so happy that he is doing just fine. What a little trooper you have and just as adorable as can be, I might add. :)
Happy crafting and many blessings,
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