Before sorting the 'mess' I had 14 projects in the CR basket (good grief!) and 5 projects in WIPS. Okay, this is just ridiculous. Without some sort of system I'll never get these parred down. I keep starting little projects and the bigger ones keep getting pushed aside. Well, NO MORE! I'm tired of not having it all together because that is not in my nature - I usually do have things under control. I love lists and have decided to adopt Nicole's system for rotation progression. Check hers out!
With this being said, and with the assistance of Nicole's fabulous organized principles, I have sorted through both baskets. I've eliminated the few projects I'll never pick up again (they are old anyway and my taste has changed since then). I've made my list for both stashes and have chosen which project will be worked on a specific day. Since I love to-do lists, this shouldn't be that difficult. I feel inspired and enthusiastic about getting these done. I carefully selected projects for desired days. For instance, Ages of Man by Long Dog Samplers is a big project and requires a lot of room to work it. I decided to give that project to Saturday bc DH and Jose will be home (4 extra hands/arms to help with Cameron) and there aren't any places I have to be like school. I don't have any photos right now, but they were all in project mesh bags to begin with. The only thing left for me to do is label them Sun-Sat and file them according to the project. Without further ado, here is my Current Rotation list.
Sunday - secret bc it's a gift
Monday - January Primitive Floss Tag by The Needle's Content
Tuesday - Sarah's ABC Pincushion by Blackbird Designs
Wednesday - Schoolgirl Lessons by LHN
Thursday - Be Still... by The Sampler Girl
Friday - Hallow's Eve Pillow by Stacy Nash
Saturday - Ages of Man by Long Dog Samplers
My plan: When I finish a CR project I will adjust it accordingly and put a WIPS project in its place and if I don't want to do that, I can add something new. I think this will work well for me. So far, Nicole has been maintaining her rotation. I say good for her and good luck to me!
Today the weather is iffy. It isn't cold which is a relief. It's going to start storming this evening though and Wednesday we should have terrible thunderstorms; even a possible tornado in Middle Tennessee. Our tornado season is about to begin and I'm fearful. Each year it gets worse and more frequent and usually these super cells happen at night which to me is the worst. I never can sleep during these storms. My DH is always sound asleep and there I am throwing things into the bathtub ready to take cover. We don't have a basement so the tub or coat closet is our only cover, unfortunately.
Well, I better get ready for my doctor appointment this afternoon. This evening I'll be tackling Tuesday's project...Sarah's ABC Pincushion.
Hi Julie,
I hated those storms when I lived in Georgia. They are the worst! That's one thing I don't miss about living up there. Stay safe! Good luck with your new rotation! I hope it works out for you!
I just found your blog. I'm looking forward to seeing your rotation progress. And I see you're in TN. I'm in GA.
Good luck with the rotation, i shall look forward to seeing lots of finishes on your blog :)
Hope you don't get too much extreme weather, or weather in the UK has been a bit mad this winter, we are having snow flurries again now, it won't stick though, we never have enough to, just enough to cause chaos on the roads!
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