Hello everyone! I've been MIA lately, I know. I never meant to. Things just get in the way and life has its ups and downs. Last I posted Cameron got tubes in his ears - he is doing beautifully! Before I get into that a little bit I wanted to share a few photos of finishes I pulled out from under my sleeve. First is the Stacy Nash piece I've been working on. This was really fun and quick to stitch. The finishing was fun too! I learn things every time I finish a project ~ it's amazing! I enjoyed this entire project through and through. This was the first emery I have ever made and it really does look like a strawberry. I am happy with it. It's called Country Sampler Heart Pinkeep & Strawberry Emery. This was a limited edition kit through the Stacy Nash membership club available through The Country Sampler in Wisconsin.

Onto Cameron... He is doing better than I could have ever expected in just under a week. We had our post-op appointment yesterday afternoon and NO MORE infection and the fluid has completely drained. We are so relieved! We notice a different child. He's happier. He's sleeping better; sleeping longer in the morning. He isn't as "fussy." He has more balance and coordination. Cameron is more vocal too. In fact, he's singing like a bird these days. On Saturday he said "baby" and Sunday night he said, "yum-yum" at his food. It sparked such excitement in me. I could barely contain my enthusiasm. He in return was proud of himself and clapped.
Hearing loss hits home for me. My mother and late-grandmother both have hearing loss. I grew up with people that couldn't necessarily hear well. We were always yelling it seemed to be heard. And even now, we're a loud family. I didn't realize this as a child, but when I became an adult and started evaluating the relationships in my life I learned that hearing loss causes depression. Any form of abnormal development or restriction can cause depression. Even something like chronic pain. Over time, these ailments change a person and not for the better unless taken control and managed. I've dealt with chronic pain for almost 10 years and high blood pressure difficulties for nearly 12 years and I can speak from experience when I say that any of these hurdles can cause depression, and just think how many hurdles are out there.
Why do I bring up depression? Even though Cameron is only 17 months old I believe that due to his stint with chronic ear infections he has had depression in some form. Now, funny, I know and even I don't call his condition depression, but my child wasn't "thriving." His total behavior is different from having the tubes, and not so much from the tubes, but by being able to hear loud and clear. I regret that my grandmother never really dealt with her hearing loss. She was always in denial and I think that's sad. She might have been a different kind of person, who knows. My mother on the other hand isn't in denial and handles her disadvantage with grace. Granted it can be very difficult communicating with her and it really isn't difficult as so much that patience is the key to the communication. I've been having to communicate with Cameron on a different level and I'm really looking forward to a more "open" line of language with him instead of the grunts and pointing. :o)
Thank you to everyone for your support and thoughtfulness! Here is my little giggle box laughing at his brother.
Your heart finish is so sweet!
I'm glad that Cameron is doing well - I hope this is a real turning point in his development :)
I love your Florida photos. Great project you have to work on from there. Love your finishes and the video of Cameron.
Great finishing work and darling video of Cameron giggling - too cute!
Love your SN finish! I'm so glad that Cameron is doing well & thriving!
Both finishes are so gorgeous~~I love them!!!
What a cutie Cameron is :)
I hear ya. (No pun really intended.) Hearing issues are also in our family - my father's been battling for a better quality of hearing for years now, and has become really isolated because he simply can't understand what we're saying. It's sad. I'm really glad Cameron's doing so remarkably well and I'm thinking super-happy thoughts for your future communication together. :D
Love that SN finish. Oh! :D
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