I cannot wait to get this out and stitch. I opened it up to see the chart and the graph to make the cat and Betty's instructions are perfect and easily understood. This should be a quick stitch and oh so much fun! I plan on making one for my dear Aunt Pam. My aunt is owned by a lot of kitties and each is loved to the fullest. I felt like she could use an extra kitty and name it "Julie" after her favorite niece (hint hint). ;o) Thank you, Betty, for sending this so quickly. You are fantastic to work with.
Okay, this may be my last post for a few days. Tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. me and my mother are leaving for a stitching retreat in St. Augustine, Florida. I know I've mentioned this a hundred times already, but I am just so excited ~ not about the plane ride but about the trip itself. I'm getting away from all these boys. God love 'em, but I need my space for a few days. I'll be with my best friend - my mom! And we'll be at the beach with Susan Greening Davis and our stitching gals Sally, Susan and Pat. We actually have a designated table called The Tennessee Table because there are a few of us from Tennessee and we all know each other. It's pretty cool, and I cannot wait to get there. Wish us fun!
Today's Stitching: Sarah's ABC Pincushion
Watched Today: Mr. Brooks; Death Race (again with DH this time)
Have a grand time :)
My kitty chart should arrive any day - looks so sweet.
Cute kitty! Enjoy your break!
Have a great time with your mom! :D
Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy time for just you.
i love the little kittie, i have been thinking of ordering one too, look forward to seeing yours finished.
Maggie x
Have a wonderful time Julie. I enjoy your blog so much I gave you an award. Please come to my blog and claim it. xoxo
Have fun!! If you get a chance...we are having a fun GIVEAWAY!!! this week!! Stop on by!!
kari & kijsa
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