Friday morning (tomorrow) me and mom board a plane to St. Augustine, Florida to attend a Susan Greening Davis class at the beach. We hear it's going to be in the mid to upper 60's and that beats our cold temps. Right now it's cold in Nashville, but today's high will be 54, which is considerably nice. I just can't wait to hear the crash of the waves and the sewing of my needle. It's going to be so nice and much deserved on my part. Now I just have to get through the flight. Yikes!
Annemiek from The Needle's Content has just released A Primitive Year of Floss Tags design series. The first floss tag is a primitive snowman and it is so cute! You order through paypal and receive the chart by .pdf. I'll be ordering mine tonight so I can get it quick quick quick! I'll probably take this little snowman to stitch on the plane.
Here's the latest on Cameron - he is too funny lately.
Cameron went and got Jose's swimming goggles. Bug Boy!!!
This morning ----
I asked Cameron to show me where he put his donut and here it is...such a donut face!
Cameron and Chloe were in the dining room with me and suddenly it was quiet. Oh my! 'What are those two doing?' I thought. I took the camera, just in case, and I'm glad I did. There they were...Chloe laying on the rug and Cameron leaning up against her playing with his foam blocks. So so cute these two!
Today's Stitching: Sarah's ABC Pincushion
Watching Today: not decided
Oh what adorable pictures! Love the 'where you put the donut' one! :D
use your own name...it will mean more as an heirloom...who knows!
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