Then the real exciting news!!! One week from Saturday me and mom will be in St. Augustine, Florida for Susan Greening Davis' stitching retreat at the beach. DH is on mommy-patrol from early Friday morning until late Sunday night. I did this 2 years ago before Cameron was born and I had a really good time. The best was just being with mom away from home and having all that time for ourselves. This year it will be even more fun because 2 of our stitching buddies (Susan and Sally ~ no blogs) will be there and we get along with them so well. They also attend the Moonlight Stitching evenings and we always sit together. They were also at Celebration of Needlework in Louisville, KY and we did a lot together then. In addition, Pat who is the owner of our LNS is there every year. She adds to the stitching dynamic and she does all the cooking, which never disappoints. It's just going to be a lot of stitching fun! Winning prizes! Playing games! Auctions! Buying goodies! Shopping in historic downtown St. Augustine! Oh yeah...and the beach!!! It's really cold right now so the beach will be a very welcoming relief. And just spending time with mom is my favorite part of the whole trip. It's so much fun in our hotel room at night. We stay up late watching Forensic Files and stitching and eating chocolate and downing caffeine drinks ~ nothing sweeter!!!! The only downside to the trip is flying. I used to love flying and now I dread every part of it. I don't mind the checks and waiting in line. It's the flight itself that I'm afraid of. I'll have to take one of those wonderful pills called Xanax! That ought to do the trick. They'll put me out of my misery and I can handle that :o)
I read blogs all the time. Everyone is so neat and everyone inspires me to some degree. I've never been a part of a RR and I'm still intimidated to do an RR with someone that I'm not familiar with. It isn't anything against the other stitcher(s). I don't trust myself. I definitely plan on doing a RR with other stitchers, but it'll have to be in the future. BUT, and that's a big 'but', me and my mom have decided to do a mother-daughter RR, just us, on the Carriage House Samplings Shores of Hawk Run Hollow seen here:

I said before that I haven't had a lot of stitching power lately. A couple days ago I started on something for Valentine's Day. Well, for me and DH really. One of my goals this year, and for many years to come, is to stitch more pieces with family in mind. I don't stitch enough of those. I went to the library a couple weeks ago and checked out 2 cross stitch pattern books. I found a really cute, quaint pattern called Lovebirds. I don't know who designed it and technically the pattern is done in one color and I'm sticking to that, but I'm using DMC 3685 (I think that's the color); done on 32 ct Antique White linen. The size is small; I think a mere 2.5x2.5 or maybe 3 square. It's small, but my thoughts are to make it into a pinkeep and lay it in my basket. I may try and put our initials with the birds ~ not sure yet. The pattern itself is a bit Quaker/folk artsy. It's cute! I'll post photos when I have a little more done.
Tonight I'm going to try and stitch. I haven't stitched since Monday. I did go through all 10 years of the JCS Christmas Ornament issues to make a list of things to stitch. Not necessarily for this year, but just in general. I got that done at least. I've pretty much organized my WIP and Current Rotation baskets, but I'm still lagging on the stitching goals list for 2009. I need to get this list compiled or I'll lose myself...again!
I'm going to go for now. If me and DH can meet in bed at the same time I think we're going to watch "The Brave One" with Jodi Foster. Hopefully, DH will be able to stay up. He's such a lightweight! LOL
Today's Stitching: nothing yet ~ night is still young :o)
1 comment:
Hi Julie! Hope you don't mind - your mom gave me your blog address, so I've been reading and looking at all your stitching which is beautiful. I'll be going to the Moonlight Stitch Saturday too, look forward to meeting you!
-Melissa (
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