Next project...

This afternoon I ironed interfacing onto two projects and am still in the process of whip stitching the floss tag from Saturday night. (I’ll have a photo soon.) I am in the process of collecting materials for Sarah’s ABC Pincushion sampler by Blackbird Designs. I don’t have the called-for linen so I called up mom to see if she had something antique-ish and so dad was coming here to take Jose to a movie and he brought over 4 different pieces of linen for me to chose from. So that is marked off my list and I’m ready to begin. Aren’t moms great?? aunts too! :o) I'm staying in the called for count of 32 using R&R Cafe Kona. It's really pretty, but the picture doesn't show how over-dyed it really is. And I love the silk called Kelp ~ it's so pretty!
I am oh so excited about some things. I signed up for the Stacy Nash Club with Country Sampler in Wisconsin and the kit is scheduled to get mailed this week to all “girl club” members. I am so excited ~ you have no idea! This is an exclusive club with an exclusive kit that won’t be sold in stores or through any other avenue. I feel so privileged! The design is a sampler heart that has such cute motifs and on the back is a patch to hold scissors and needles. I cannot wait!!!! I’ll post a photo as soon as I get the chart. It’s so primitive and unique.
Another fantastic goodie is primitivebettys My Favorite Kitten Pinkeep pattern which I ordered through her Etsy shop last week, and she said it will be mailed out come Tuesday. I am so excited about this as well!
Then to top all this off, me and mom board a plane on Friday morning and head to St. Augustine, Florida for a Susan Greening Davis weekend retreat at the beach. I’ve been keeping tabs on the weather and it won’t be warm-warm, but it won’t be cold and that’s all that matters to me. It isn’t shorts and t-shirt weather, but the weather says it’ll be in the upper 50s and into the 60s. I can soooo deal with that. Two of our stitching pals will be there; Sally and Susan. They were at moonlight stitching as well. I just love those gals. And Pat who is the owner of the LNS will be there contributing and cooking. But the whole reason for going is that I get a little vacation away from my boys and home. I need this break. I technically haven’t had a break in years, let alone a vacation. This doesn’t constitute a vacation, but it’s better than nothing and I’ll take it without complaint. :o)
Cameron decided to do a little rearranging of my kitchen. I have video, but can't get it to load. It's really loud too. All the banging around with pots, pans, pie molds, muffin tins, etc. that he did. The moment flung me back to the past and it reminded me of my grandmother in her kitchen ~ she was never quiet. Our saying is "What she doin' now???" with a total crabby-scratchy tone.
Lots of good things to come! Just think, when I get back from out of town I’ll have stitching gifts waiting for me. Ahhhhh, now that is a way to end a good trip, don’t you think? Post later…
Monday’s Stitching: finished make-it and take-it heart floss tag; start on Sarah's ABC Pincushion
Watched Monday: Snatch
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