This is the first time I could post and that's really frustrating. I'm using my DH's work laptop because my laptop isn't working right now. I can't use my home desktop computer bc its in our office which isn't convenient for me and Cameron so I couldn't get to the computer all day. Let's just say I'll be in heaven when the laptop is working again.
Monday, me and the boys went to Mom's house for the day. Jose started school today so I thought Jose would enjoy hanging out at Nana's on his last final day of winter break...and he did! We always have a good time at Nana's. We laughed a lot too. Mom, and myself, talked to my Aunt over the phone. She was working on her sewing machine finishing off a pillow.
Cameron really needs a haircut. He's 17 months old and really could use a snip here and a snip there. When Jose was Cameron's age mom cut his hair. It was his first haircut. In order to cut Jose's hair we had him up on the vanity, looking into the mirror, playing with a vacuum cleaner hose. We have photos, but not on the PC. I took pictures while mom struggled with Jose to sit still and just let her cut. After an hour, Jose's hair was cut, mom was exhausted and I was just tired by watching and assisting. So, keeping with tradition Cameron had his first haircut by none other than his Nana. She did a good job too, and I'm not just saying that! It really turned out cute. Cameron was a much better client than Jose was. :o) Cameron sat in his booster seat, watched the dog pass by, sucked on his own bottle, as well as Nana's squirt bottle, and let her snip away. He never whined or complained. It was over in less than 20 minutes. Here's a few snip... ~ oops, I mean snap shots of Cameron's first haircut.
Cameron just chillin'...and naturally Jose being Jose.

Cameron actually isn't laughing at my mom snipping around his ear. The dog kept walking by and Cameron thought it was funny. Heehee-Haha
Ta-Da!!! Final results.I think Cameron looks pretty cute myself. When babies have their first haircuts, doesn't it make them mature instantly? In less than 20 minutes Cameron went from baby-face to little boy. He just looks so much older than before.
Today was uneventful. It did nothing but rain, rain, rain. Cold too. I'm just about done with "Emma's Sampler" by Stacy Nash. And I've been literally kept in suspense for days by The Sampler Girl! And the suspense is over. Whew!!! She has 2 new designs that have JUST come out, like right now, so go and check them out. I'm already head over heels in love with the "Clara's Skating Sampler 1891" bc I used to figure skate so anything 'skating' is right up my alley. Tanya's Booklet Two will be released in February so set a reminder for that as well. Oh...I'm so excited!!! The new year has started off great with great designs. Also, Betty from primitivebettys released a freebie design for Valentine's Day. It's soooo cute! It's a must stitch.
Until Wednesday... :o)
Cameron seemed to enjoy getting his haircut, he does look older now but still a cutie pie !
Too cute :)
Thanks for stitchy links, I'm going to check them out now...
Darling pictures even though he doesn't seem very thrilled with his 'do'. Too cute!! I need to cut Zack's hair - I've only cut it once and trying to resist the urge to cut it again for awhile.
Cameron's cheeks are precious.
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